What Can Programmers Learn From Sloths
Editor's Pick
- Bernard BadoNovember 11, 2021Can You Learn React JS in One Month?
I can remember the day I started learning React like it was yesterday. And there is one thing in particular that makes me smile, even today. Back then, React…
- Bernard BadoDecember 13, 2021How to Write Text on Image in React JS
Text on the image is a classic type of content. And we see it everywhere around us. It's usually used to pinpoint the eyes of readers. And to demonstrate the…
- Bernard BadoNovember 30, 2021Static Type Checking in React
As the javascript projects have become more and more complex. More and more developers started using static type checking. They use static type checking to…
- Bernard BadoNovember 30, 2021What Is Isomorphic React App
During my career as a web developer, I heard the term isomorphic app countless times. At first, I thought it's some kind of advanced concept. The concept only…
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- Bernard BadoJuly 04, 2022Get Rich by Finding Bugs
Are you looking to make some money on the side? Or maybe you want to discover a new way to earn some side income. Either way, let me introduce you to an…
- Bernard BadoApril 23, 2022How to Create Stunning Github Profile
You don’t have to be an excellent programmer to get hired by software companies. In fact, in the past couple of months, I heard numerous stories of people…
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I got really pissed off during the conversation I had with one of my friends. We were talking about my job as a web developer. And I could feel his attitude…
- Bernard BadoApril 10, 2022How to Implement Zoom Image in React
If you have a website that could benefit from a zoom image feature, you'll most likely need to have a component that can do such a thing. The zoom feature may…
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